Linda's News – Page 3 – MacPhee WorkShop
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This mothers day weekend why not come visit the workshop!  We will have hundreds of "one-of-a-kind" jackets, blazers, knits, cover-ups etc, priced from as low as $10!

You won't want to miss our fun fabrics (slinky, poly print, sheers, nylons), notions (hot fix metals, crystal zippers, scissors, seam rippers and more!). We will also have our DVD's, Wools, Furs, and of course our patterns!  Read more



GO CRAZY WITH CREATIVITY is her signature topic. Every year this changes as her mind creates more garments/accessories. This topic includes bits from all of her seminar topics so includes :

  1. Lots of embellishment motion embroidered jackets,chenille, bias strips, yarn/ribbon, adding pizazz with bleach, metals, foils and crystals....on everything from shoes-cushions-jackets-greeting cards-jeans-quilts- and more......
  2. Lots of green sewing including recycling used garments into new masterpieces ('s shirt into funky apron), plastic bags into garments and purses,  jeans into new exciting jackets,sweaters into toques,  mitts and more!

  3. Sewing with her favorite  knit fabrics e.g. slinky which takes an instant 10 pounds off anyone!
  1. A fashion show/trunk show of all her great garments. Let this woman      entertain/ educate you and you will have the best time ever!  She's full of great ideas and she's totally CONTAGEOUS!


Linda MacPheeLinda MacPhee, B.Sc. (H.Ec.), Cert. Ed., is well known across Canada and the United States as a leader and innovator in the clothing design and home sewing industries. Some awards she has received are: the Canadian Award for Business Excellence, Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, the Global Television Woman of Vision and the University of Alberta Alumni Award of Excellence. She is co- founder of MacPhee Workshop, celebrating over 30 years in business, one of Canada's largest design houses and pattern manufacturers. Linda MacPhee is a highly motivated, energetic and talented individual who has been shaping the fashion industry for many years. She has successfully combined good design with quality fabrics to produce a line of custom design clothing and patterns with a distinctive personal flair.

Linda has co-produced and hosted her own TELEVISION series, “SEW MUCH FUN” through six seasons. Her newer series “LINDA MACPHEE'S WORKSHOP” (same exciting show; new name!) offers the viewers an exciting window to the wonderful and creative world of fabric and other fibre arts. It is in it's sixth season! It is available in Canada and the United States on PBS stations.

Linda is also a regular contributor to magazines, and has been featured on the cover of sewing publications across North America.

Her approach is creative and infectious with fun, fast and fashionable ideas for sewing projects. She is in constant demand throughout Canada and the United States as a speaker, addressing professional groups and conventions.

Contact information     

phone.480-373-2206 (mesa AZ.)

phone.780-973-3516 (Edmonton)

More Christmas Gift Ideas

Hello again everyone!

I promised more Christmas gift ideas so if you are one who hasn't got it all on.....This one involves NO sewing. It's my wonderful scissors....every day when I use them...I thank my lucky stars as they are such a treat!! We have had many testimonials Like this one....(add testimonial). The joy is that they cut multiple layers of fabrics easily and they cut cleanly right to the point of the scissors which is such a treat! Our deal for these scissors will last until the end of 2016!!.The suggested retail price is $129.98.......and we are offering them at the amazing price of $99.98........because we think everyone who sews deserves THE BEST SCISSORS OUT THERE!! can also buy yourself a gift!


I'll start with a couple of my favourites that I have made and given multiple times and ones that are always much appreciated (they tell me!).


I'm giving my grand kids fabric with the promise that we can sew it together into the item of their choice. I think that is the better way (depending on their age) instead my sewing something that I think they would like. It will be way more fun to let them be involved..and even perhaps sew it themselves. Here are some suggestions. Click on the patterns below to take a look! (There are sew many simple ones!!) Have Fun!!



We just received some new fabrics but I want to mention one in particular, it's called Plissé. It makes up into the most elegant pillows or cushions ever! We tried runners too which of course can be any width and length, even a tablecloth which is the fastest gift ever (simply cut your rectangle and rolled hem the edges). You still have time to make these for an elegant Christmas or New Years Table!


Better still, it's 120 inches wide which is AMAZING, 100% polyester so is washable and it's simply contagious. Once you make one item, there comes many more! Below are some pictures to get you motivated!


We've added all these new fabrics to a new section of the website called "Fun Fabrics". You will want to revisit this section often!

Click here to see all the Fun Fabrics

Don't forget to visit our mukluk section for all your mukluk supplies... We have a wonderful selection for your fur and faux fur needs and if you want to get yourself a present for yourself... I recently brought back my DVD.. SEW MANY COATS.. It's a double gift, I'll guide you on everything about making coats and get you making yourself or loved one, their own special coat! Oh and don't forget we also have jewelry for last minute, beautiful gifts to go with that special garment !! (Another section of the website you will want to revisit... it's going to keep on growing!)

Well enough for this time....keep that sewing machine humming..... mine certainly is!


Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year !! 




Use the discount code 3FOR20 when you place your order!

*plus shipping and applicable taxes, offer ends end of October.


Just a quick reminder for those of you in the EDMONTON area.....


THIS SAT. AND SUNDAY (we said Friday originally but it sounds like it's going to snow all day so we traded Friday for Sunday in hopes that it will be a better day!)

Workshop Address: #7 54231 Range Road 250, Sturgeon Co. Alberta. T8T 0C2

We've added lots of new stuff that includes Jackets, T-shirts, skirts, dresses, pants, COATS, PARKAS, and more!  They are all Classic sample garments that we made for our multitude of fashion shows. We have some unbelievable great prices as well!!

Of course, you can also purchase designer fabrics, patterns, notions etc.etc.

You can also shop for  my daughter's Jewelry which we feature at all of our shows. She has great prices as well and what a good time to shop for Christmas which will be here soon! Click here to view Alana's jewelry.






…...OK,OK,OK You are too far away you say? We will also be offering you our show special on Patterns on our brand new website!

For every order of 3 Patterns, you will pay $20.00 (plus taxes + shipping) which is a savings of $4.00!! Six Patterns will be $8.00 off which means one pattern FREE!! This offer will last until the end of October!

Use the discount code WEARHOUSESALE when you place your order!

By the way....I bet you don't have the Macphee Masquerade pattern which is my very favorite Halloween Costume!
We do have the complete directions for this costume (and others)... on our DVD of season 3 of my half hour TV show.  Each DVD has 13 full half hour shows !!By the way, this is not my show Sew Much Fun which is currently showing on TV, (CTV2 in Canada, Saturdays 1pm-2pm). This is the newer series...”Linda Macphee's Workshop”. ENJOY!!

Happy Halloween!  




Due to popular demand, we have updated our shipping policy. Let us know if there are any more questions!


We are on facebook! You can browse our catalog, get updates on the latest news when it happens and engage with us like never before. Share your stories and photos with us!
Click here to visit and like our page!

Several months ago we uploaded Seasons 1 to 3 of Linda MacPhee's Workshop to our channel on YouTube. If you missed that you can find them by clicking here!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Urban Jacket Workshop

ANNOUNCEMENT: Urban Jacket Workshop

Linda will be hosting an Urban Jacket (Shades of Grey) workshop in Tucson Arizona on Saturday, January 28th, 2017.

There are a limited number of places available but please contact us for details.


Back by popular demand!! Our famous warehouse sale is on again. More info coming soon but save the date: FRI 14 & SAT 15 OCTOBER between 10am - 4pm The workshop is located just north of Edmonton about 8km north of the Henday on 127th st. (Just east of St. Albert on Sturgeon Road) Address: #7 54231 Range Road 250, Sturgeon Co. Alberta. T8T 0C2    These are videos taken at previous warehouse sales.

Come see us at the Edmonton Sewing Show!!

It's time for the 21st Annual Edmonton Creative Stitches & Crafting Alive, Sewing Show.

It's at Sherwood Park in Edmonton, Alberta on the 9th & 10th of September.
I'll be doing seminars and a fashion show on both days, hope to see you there!!


Summer is a tough time to do much sewing, but there have been a lot of rainy days in this part of the woods. Perfect time for some playing with metals! CLICK HERE to see all the many kinds and colors of what we have on offer.

This picture is of my granddaughter decorating her previously painted rocks. She got very excited about the possibilities of metals and everything to which they could be applied!! We have decorated books, boxes (jewelry boxes), Jeans, wall hangings, T shirts, shoes, phones, iPad covers, and yes even quilts!!  There's nothing that couldn't use a bit of BLING! 

Metals are so easy to apply as they are hot fix.... which means that they have glue on the underside of them and once heat is applied, it is almost an instant bond (that stays through  washing!). You can apply them with an iron or mini iron, but the simplest and most accurate is with the crystallizer (as seen in the picture ) as it concentrates the heat to exactly where you need it and leaves no iron marks on your project. Here's more pictures of how we've used them...... and by the way check out many ready made t-shirts/garments in the stores and see our same metals!

To CELEBRATE this new found FUN, we are offering a SUPER SUMMER SPECIAL SALE ON METALS !!


These metals are normally priced at $2.98 for ONE pack of 50 but now we are offering a SUPER PACK which contains 10 regular packs (total of 500 metals) for $16.98 OR EVEN BETTER get 2 of these super packs for just $30.00 !! (1000 metals at HALF PRICE !!!!!). It sounds like a lot of metals but keep in mind a typical project takes between 50 and 100 metals so even 1000 will be gone before you know it !  TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER WHILE STOCKS LAST !!!  

So with that in mind, we'll send you the super packs and you can invite your friends and/or family and have a great party!! Please send us pictures of the works of art you create and we'll add them to our collection on the site!!

CLICK HERE to see all the many kinds and colors of what we have on offer


Our #336 pattern for the World's Easiest Tunic Top has been flying off the shelves and into wardrobes throughout the nation. 

So... we had to reprint and while we had the chance we added new ideas and pictures to make it even more fun! Click here to order.

Happy sewing/metalling from your friends at Macphee Workshop....Linda