Christmas Gift Ideas
WOW....IT'S DECEMBER!! My how time flies!! Anyway it's all about Christmas... the decorations, the presents, the family and the food.
Our family here at MacPhee WorkShop came up with our list of things every person who sews/crafts would love this year.
Here's hoping the holiday season is is a great one for you and your loved ones!
Cheers....Linda and CREW!
Mukluks Kit - Everything you need for making mukluks!
This is an article for those of you considering making your first pair of mukluks or if you are a veteran and looking for supplies. Let me tell you that you have come to the right place. We have everything you need starting with the pattern. Keep reading all the way to the bottom for a bonus!
Watch Linda's guide to making mukluks on YouTube!
Moosehide, cowhide, and deerhide can all be used successfully for moccasins or mukluks. The thickness of the hide generally varies with the age of the animal. The idea piece of leather should be thick (so it is strong), but pliable so it can be sewn and gathered without too much difficulty. I find mooshide is generally both strong and plable so it is great but lots of cowhide is very similar too. Deerhide generally tends to be lighter. Split hides (suede both sides) are generally very tough and difficult to sew. The unsplit hide can be used either the suede side or smooth side outside. The suide side used as the right side tends to show less dirt than the smooth side, so is often what I choose. It is also less slippery.
We choose our hides for you with care! Our leather can be found by clicking here.
Glover's needles, which are needles with a three cornered knife edge point are necessary for hand sewing. Size 5 is the size I usually prefer. All needles are not born equal so make sure the one you get is sharp! A leather wedge needle can be purchased for sewing leather by machine.
Our needles are sourced from trusted suppliers and are razor sharp! They can be found by clicking here.
A strong thread should be used. Nylon thread, about size 40 is ideal. Ideally the color should match the color of the leather but it shows very little so is not crucial. If thread is waxed, by pulling it through a piece of beeswax, it holds better and tangles less.
This is firmly woven wool fabric that can be used for the tongue and upper part of the mukluk. It comes in many colors.
Our melton cloth can be found in various colors here
Wherever melton is used it should be lined or backed with a firmly woven fabric like denim or commander (also known as poly-cotton poplin).
Fur, braid, embroidery, beading, rick-rack etc can be used to decorate both the tongue or the top of the mukluk. The amounts used will depend on individual preferences. Email us if you are looking for anything specific. We have too many to put on the website but we can surely recommend a suitable trim!
To make the mukluks warmer and to give them some shape and body, I like to build mukluks around a pair of wool felt boots. Heavy socks are not required if boots are used. Wool felt liners can also be purchased or sewn using pattern #704.
Our felt liners are made for us and we have them for adults, youths and even children! They can be found by clicking here
Waffle rubber is a natural rubber product with a rough surface used on the sole of many commercial boots. It is easy to cut and glue onto the sole of your mukluks not only giving more traction in slippery conditions but also protecting the leather sole of your mukluks for many years!
Our popular waffle rubber can be found here in natural or black.
Click below to watch episode 10 from Season 4 of Linda MacPhee's Workshop which is Linda's newest TV show. It is available to buy on DVD as well !
At the Edmonton sewing show we announced the date for our BIANNUAL WEARHOUSE SALE INCLUDING OUR ONE OF A KIND DESIGNER GARMENTS! We will once again have hundreds of "one-of-a-kind" jackets, blazers, knits, cover-ups etc, priced from as low as $10!
You won't want to miss our fun fabrics (slinky, poly print, sheers, nylons), notions (hot fix metals, crystal zippers, scissors, seam rippers and more!). We will also have our DVD's, Wools, Furs, leather and of course our patterns!
It's at our acreage warehouse: #7 54231 Range Road 250, Sturgeon county, (just north of Edmonton, AB).
FRI + SAT, SEPT 29th + 30th. Hours: 10-4 each day.
DIRECTIONS from Edmonton 4.2 km north of the Anthony Henday On 127th st. turn right into Skyglen from St Albert take sturgeon road onto 127th st. turn left into Skyglen Call 1-888-622-7433 or 780-973-3516 for more info.
Linda's August Newsletter
Hello again!
We made an announcement in Toronto about a free E-pattern. As promised, here is our new cover up pattern and it's completely FREE. Click here to download it right now! It's a PDF so you may need Adobe on your computer to open it.
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The cover-up is great in sheer fabric and we have a few to choose from in our fun fabrics section.
Click on the images below to see more!
White animal |
Fiesta |
black and white leaves |
Blue animal |
lola |
You will need only one meter/yard to make one. It's a great idea for anyone (another Mother's day idea maybe?)
Click here to see all our fun fabrics including the sheers!
Happy Sewing!
Happy Spring! - I think it's finally here!
We had a GREAT Sewing Show in Toronto this past weekend so BIG THANKS to all of our supporters and fans who came to see and buy all of our new things.
Our new pattern #375 CRAZY PANTS was a big hit and our new #355 TUNIC TWO was a sell-out success! They are both on the website so if you missed them - order them online today!
MAKE A BOA SCARF WITH OUR AMAZING SCISSORSWe sold SEW MANY SCISSORS in Toronto! We had a SHOW SPECIAL OF $30 OFF (regular $130) and they were flying off the table at $100.00. We will continue that SHOW SPECIAL right up until May 14th (Mothers day) for so many people who missed the show.
Linda's new video: How to make a BOA SCARF
Here's a video of why we love the SCISSORS so much. CLICK THE VIDEO to watch!
Speaking of Mothers Day... This Mother's day weekend, we will be hosting our
We will have hundreds of "one-of-a-kind" jackets, blazers, knits, cover-ups etc, priced from as low as $10! You won't want to miss our fun fabrics (slinky, poly print, sheers, nylons), notions (hot fix metals, crystal zippers, scissors, seam rippers and more!). We will also have our DVD's, Wools, Furs, and of course our patterns!
It's at our acreage warehouse: #7 54231 Range Road 250, Sturgeon county,
(just north of Edmonton, AB).
IMPORTANT: Please note that under normal circumstances you must make an appointment to visit the workshop. Please call or email to make an appointment. Thank you.
However, we are open for business on the following dates and times (no appointment necessary)
SAT + SUN, May 13th + 14th.
Hours: 10-4 each day.
from Edmonton
4.2 km north of the Anthony Henday
On 127th st. turn right into Skyglen
from St Albert
take sturgeon road onto 127th st.
turn left into Skyglen
Call 1-888-622-7433 or 780-973-3516 for more info.
Happy Sewing!
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2. Open a private browser session using your browser. Follow the guidelines for your browser to open the private browser session. This has been proven to work for people who have experienced this issue.
Click on the File menu and select New Private Window — alternately, you can hold down the command and shift keys and type N.
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Internet Explorer
Click on the Gear icon, also known as the Action or Tools menu, located in the upper right-hand corner of your browser window.
When the drop-down menu appears, hover your cursor over the Safety option. A sub-menu should now appear. Click on the option labeled InPrivate Browsing.
Please note that you can utilize the following keyboard shortcut in lieu of this menu item: CTRL + SHIFT + P.
To enable private browsing in Firefox, click on the hamburger icon at the top right and then select New Private Window. You can also just use the CTRL + SHIFT + P keyboard shortcut.
In Opera, you used to be able to browse privately in a tab or in a new window. However, the feature now works like all the other browsers where private browsing loads in a new window. All tabs opened in that window will be private. In Opera, you click on the Menu bottom at the top left of the browser window.
For more details see this link...
Saturday March 4th
Linda will be doing a free 1hr seminar this coming Saturday at 1:30 called UNLEASHING YOUR CREATIVITY! It's at the Viewpoint RV and Golf Resort QUILT SHOW!
Viewpoint address: 8700 E.University Dr. Mesa, Arizona.
This well known national speaker will be showing many of her ideas from her TV show (12 seasons on PBS). Included will be lots of great ideas on Embellishing everything from quilts to garments to greeting cards. Her Recycling has taken on new meaning with aprons from shirts, jackets from jeans and even jewelry from zippers and ties. Lots of her patterns and kits for sale too! An event not to miss!!
Monday March 13th
VENTURE OUT RV PARK is sponsoring a full day "GO CRAZY WITH CREATIVITY" workshop with LINDA MACPHEE at Venture Out RV park on Monday March 13 ...10a.m.- 2:45p.m.This day workshop includes lunch and will feature the best of her collection from her TV shows and workshops. Included will be Lots of exciting EMBELLISHMENT ideas and demos, a FASHION SHOW of recycling ideas including jeans into vests and jackets, T shirts into dresses, Sweaters into almost everything, even plastic bags into jackets and much more!
Tickets are $12.00 and can be purchased from the activity office at VENTURE OUT RV PARK until March 10.
Address... 5001 E Main St. Mesa, Arizona
Wool APPLIQUE...... it's the BEST!
I love to applique.....and have done much of it over the years. Two things that I think are so important.....use something that doesn't fray so you don't have to worry about turning under the edges. The other thing is don't want to it to look worn after a few years. WOOL MELTON IS THE ANSWER.
Felt has often been used but felt is not a woven fabric, it is pressed fibres so it will not hold up like the woven melton fabric. Remember the appliques on older parkas?? The felt had worn and the applique was raggy looking.
We've put together some wool scrap bags that would be perfect for any applique project.
Here is a selection of items I have appliqued over the years. The process is simple. Iron on a fusible adhesive(I use Heat and Bond Lite)to one side of the melton(there really is no right or wrong side). Trace or draw your desired shape onto the paper side, cut it out, and place it adhesive side down to your base and press. To secure it either straight stitch around the edges or do a narrow zig zag.I don't use a satin stitch as it takes too long but if you want to do it, it looks great. I also recommend using invisible thread for your top thread so you don't have to keep changing thread.
831 & 832 Copy Cats Applique Patterns
Making Mukluks in Mesa and More!